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- Write "Mobile Tower" in lowercase. Would look better, would it?

- Sumo lacks the required size condition. 

- Big parts of text scroll too high in the dialogue box. Need a scrollbar there.

fixed Sumo! MOBILETOWER is actually how it was in the original. i dont know why they did that! and yes you can scroll the text with the mouse but its not obvious. thanks for playing!


I really like what you've done with the chat boxes. The original graphics were neat, but sometimes you could double-click and miss a bit of dialogue. Do you think you'll add a way to scroll up the conversation?

thanks! you can scroll up within the current conversation. if you mean showing previous conversations with that character, then I'd like that but it's not done yet.

Ohhh -- I was trying to scroll with the mouse wheel.

(3 edits) (+1)

Found bug: During the setup phase, you can pick up a program from the program.dir menu and then hit the restart button. This will reset the program.dir menu, but not clear the program that the cursor is holding. You can then place this unit on the board and continue setting up with a full inventory. This allows you to duplicate one of your units per battle (own 3 hack and place 4 of them, for instance).

Edit: It seems possible for this duplication bug to occur without the restart button? It's happened to me by accident twice now

Also, the level 3 store incorrectly sells laser satellites when it should sell normal satellites. The node that contains the level 5 access codes is also the wrong battle, it loads up the Sysadmin Archives battle instead of its own.

Awesome find!! thanks for reporting the bug. I'll try to fix it by the next version. I hope you are enjoying the game

hm ok i will fix those issues tomorrow

I fixed the satellite and wrong level issue in this new version. I will fix the duplication later. thank you!

Thank you for the nostalgia! I never got a chance to beat this game as a kid and I'm glad to have the chance to finish it now.

glad you enjoyed it. you can always play the original via Flashpoint too. by the way you can create custom levels using the devtools and we have some shared community levels in discord.

(6 edits)

known bugs:
custom unit "Squire"'s ability does not work as intended.
(Spoilers) when "nightfall" happens and you face the final battle, superphreak doesn't lift nightfall until you lose a battle, instead of just leaving the battle.

(1 edit) (+1)

You actually don't need to lose a battle to trigger the ending dialog, merely clicking on the final node again after beating it and then cancelling the dialog box will play the ending sequence.